4 Tips for Transitioning to a Mac

If you’ve been a PC user and are considering making the switch to a Mac, here are a few key operational differences to keep in mind.
Why Businesses Should Consider a Network Analysis

How well do you know your network? Few things can seem more abstract than the health of your network. Be honest, it’s not something you think about frequently, and when you do, you probably feel overwhelmed by the complexities of keeping it secure and running smoothly.
Using Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10? You Could Be at Risk!

Microsoft announced that as of January 12, 2015, they will no longer provide security patches, automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance for Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10.
Laptop Versus Desktop Workstations for Business

In business, balancing costs with benefits is a big part of the decision-making process. This is especially true when choosing the right technology for your business and employees. When it comes to selecting the right computer workstations, it has become increasingly tricky to ultimately decide between the reliability and performance of a desktop and the versatility and portability of a laptop. Which is right for your business? Let’s explore a few key factors that will help you in your decision.
Printing Labels With Your Copier

Sometimes it’s necessary for you to print labels with your Laser Copier. It can be frustrating at times when they don’t turn out like you hoped or the label paper keeps jamming. If you follow these simple tips, you should be able to have a more stress-free label printing experience.
3 Microsoft Office Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

Lots of us would consider ourselves to be proficient in Microsoft Office. But even the most seasoned and savvy users may be surprised to learn these 3 Microsoft Office tricks that can make life easier:
Preventing Drive-by Download Attacks

Cybersecurity is becoming more complex as hackers and malware become more stealthy. Unfortunately, some cyber attacks slip by unnoticed by network administrators because they don’t immediately perform their destructive tasks. Instead, they sit dormant, sometimes for weeks waiting for the right time to attack.
5 Tips for Online Security

The internet is now more important in our lives than ever. But everyday hackers and scam artists are finding new ways to take advantage of unsuspecting businesses and individuals. Learn how to protect yourself with these 5 tips for online security.
5 Tips for a More Environmentally Responsible Business

We’re all concerned about our impact on the environment. We want to conserve energy and resources. We want to become environmentally responsible and avoid being wasteful because we feel a sense of social responsibility. In business, it just so happens that reducing the impact of our day-to-day operations can also save us time and money. That makes everyone a winner. Here are some tips for working more sustainably.
Lines on your Copies? Learn How to Fix It

The documents we create, copy and print say something about us. A nice clean copy can portray a professional image, while a page with streaks and lines can be embarrassing. Are you getting lines on your copies? Good news, the solution may be very simple! Those lines might just be a sign of dirty glass.
Beware of Flash Drive Hacker Scams

Flash Drives (or USB Drives) may seem like an innocuous item to find laying around in an office environment. You may find one and decide to use it, or simply plug it into your computer to see if you can identify an owner. What you might not know is that this can be bait used by hackers to gain access to your computer and network. Don’t fall victim to the flash drive hacker scam.
Can Section 179 Save You Money in 2014?

Have you taken advantage of Section 179 this year? For business owners, it can be hard to keep track of all the tax benefits available. That’s why we want to make sure you know about Section 179. What is it? Section 179 is an incentive created by the U.S. Government to encourage businesses to buy equipment that can help make them more efficient and successful.