Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment

With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces – shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.
Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools

There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space.
How to do an N-up Copy on Your Sharp Copier

We want you to be able to use every amazing feature on your copier, so you can breeze through all the work you have to get done. The N-up Copy function allows you to take a multi-page document and place thumbnails of several pages onto one piece of paper.
5 Tips for Avoiding Phishing Email Scams

Cyber security has become one of the most important parts of running a business. One tool none of us can do without is email, but sometimes even the best of us make emailing mistakes that can put us at risk for email scams. Make sure you and your employees know these simple tips for improving email security.
8 Tips for a Stronger Password

lthough there are many exciting biometric password technologies emerging, the good old-fashioned password is still as important as ever; possibly even more than ever before. Many people still have the feeling that it’s unlikely their passwords will be compromised, but in reality, all of us are at risk.
How to Clear a Copier Error Code

If you have ever experienced a copy machine errors in the workplace, you know very well how much it can bring your office’s workflow to a screeching halt. That’s never a good thing for production. Did you know that even when you’ve fixed the problem that caused the error, you still need to clear the error code in order to get your copier to come back online?
Copier Says “Out of Paper” but There’s Paper in the Tray

The copier’s error message says it’s out of paper, but there’s clearly paper in the tray. What gives? It’s one of the most common frustrations when using an office copier: the dreaded “Out of Paper” error. You have paper in the trays, but the message has not gone away.
Windows 7 End of Support

The specific end-of-support day for Windows 7 is January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance, and software updates that help protect your PC will no longer be available for the product.
Is My Copier Secure?

You likely go to great lengths to make sure the data your company handles is safe from the threat of hackers. You secure your business networks and databases and encrypt sensitive information like names, social security numbers and credit card accounts.
How Do I Get Rid of Lines on My Copies?

Are your documents sending the wrong message? After all, as the saying goes, presentation is everything. If your copies are marred with unprofessional-looking black lines or dots, it might reflect poorly on your business. Avoid this mistake by making sure your documents are sending a clear message, free from any unintended distractions.
Solving a Copier Error Message

Do you ever get a copier error message? If you do, your first instinct is probably to call for service. But in many cases, there is an easier solution. When your computer gives you trouble, the first thing you should try is rebooting. Similarly, error codes on your copier can often times be resolved simply by turning your copier off and back on again. While it’s quite possible that your machine actually needs maintenance, in a lot of cases, this will reset your copier, resolving the a wide array of error codes without needing to call for service.
Decoding IT Jargon

Few industries love their abbreviations and industry-specific jargon more than the Information Technology field. Changes are you’ve heard all these terms thrown around, but probably only had a vague understanding of what they mean. In this article we’ll help decode some of the most used IT terms to help you get a handle on what it all means.