3 Fundamentals for Shoring Up Phishing Defenses

From Ransomware to SolarWinds, the cybersecurity space has been as hectic as it has ever been over the last 12-24 months. However, for all of the emerging threats and news that are cropping up on the horizon, phishing — one of the oldest pain points in cybersecurity — is continuing to quietly wreak havoc, and is as big of a threat as it has ever been.
Get Familiar with Cyber Basics

Cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated with more evolved bad actors cropping up each day. Luckily, there are several steps that we can take daily to mitigate risks and stay one step ahead of malefactors.
Is Your Perception of Technology Holding Your Business Back?

Is the way you think about office technology preventing your business from getting ahead? Do you think of technology as a strategic asset that sets your business apart? Or do you consider technology to be something you should spend the bare minimum to procure? Technology allows small businesses to compete with larger corporations and adapt to new market challenges. Businesses that avoid making the necessary investments in their technology often fall behind. So ask yourself, is your perception of technology holding your business back?
Creating a Data Security Policy

Employees that work exclusively in an office setting are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Mobility can be somewhat of a double-edge sword, providing productivity benefits, while also increasing the risk of data loss. With the ability to work from anywhere, comes the ability to access corporate data from anywhere. The fact is, your business will have to find a way to accommodate remote work and protect your data. The good news is, we’re here to guide you through the process of implementing a data loss prevention strategy (DLP) and creating a data security policy for your organization.
8 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Endpoint Security Solution

If you’re weighing your options for endpoint security solutions, there are many options out there. However, solutions vary greatly in terms of how effectively they can protect your network. We want to help you make the best decision possible, so here are our top 8 questions to ask before buying an endpoint security solution, and why they are important.
Is Outsourcing IT a good Idea?

You’ve probably wondered to yourself, “is outsourcing IT a good idea?” That’s actually a pretty tricky question to answer because every organization has different technical needs and a different internal culture. A company’s attitude toward technology will also determine their answer to this question.
Coronavirus Phishing Scams on the Rise

It’s unfortunate, but wherever there’s fear and chaos, you’ll find people willing to take advantage of it. Such is the case with hackers and scammers looking to enrich themselves by tricking unsuspecting people during the Coronavirus pandemic.
3 Tips to Secure Users Working from Home

Many businesses are prioritizing the health and safety of their employees, allowing them to work remotely. While this is a great move, given current circumstances, it’s important to also look out for the health of your network during this time. Here are our top 3 tips to secure users working from home.
5 Tips for Avoiding Phishing Email Scams

Cyber security has become one of the most important parts of running a business. One tool none of us can do without is email, but sometimes even the best of us make emailing mistakes that can put us at risk for email scams. Make sure you and your employees know these simple tips for improving email security.
8 Tips for a Stronger Password

lthough there are many exciting biometric password technologies emerging, the good old-fashioned password is still as important as ever; possibly even more than ever before. Many people still have the feeling that it’s unlikely their passwords will be compromised, but in reality, all of us are at risk.
Windows 7 End of Support

The specific end-of-support day for Windows 7 is January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance, and software updates that help protect your PC will no longer be available for the product.
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Ensuring Online Safety at Work

It’s National Cybersecurity Month. This week we’re exploring cybersecurity in the workplace. Untrained employees can be one of the biggest vulnerabilities to your organization’s network security.