Using Document Management for Automated Invoice Processing

Accounts Payable can become more efficient by digitizing existing paperwork. DocuWare has features that allows businesses to automatically receive invoices and extract data for processing, helping AP to break free from paper and manual data entry. Businesses that are still stuck in their paper processes and manual workflows are being hit the hardest by COVID-19. The biggest flaw of their workflows are being exposed – they can’t be easily performed from anywhere.
Managing Documents for Remote Workers

If your business doesn’t have the ability to go remote with its business processes today, your not alone. In recent years, businesses have slowly been converting their traditional, paper-based processes to digital workflows, but most aren’t 100% prepared to move away from paper.
Coronavirus Phishing Scams on the Rise

It’s unfortunate, but wherever there’s fear and chaos, you’ll find people willing to take advantage of it. Such is the case with hackers and scammers looking to enrich themselves by tricking unsuspecting people during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Creating a Remote Work Environment

There’s no way around it, the global Coronavirus pandemic has caught businesses off guard. The time for enabling remote work has come much sooner than expected for many organizations that now don’t have time to plan and weigh their options.
Control Spread of Illness by Cleaning Office Equipment

With the threat of Coronavirus looming, many offices are taking extra precautions to sanitize commonly-touched surfaces, like door handles. This is a great step in the right direction, but most businesses are overlooking some of their most touched surfaces – shared computers, displays, copiers, and accessories.
Tech Companies Help Fight Coronavirus with Free Remote Work Tools

There has been much anxiety about COVID-19, better known as Coronavirus, and many people are asking whether they should be working from home. In uncertain times, it feels good to find something productive to do, maybe even something that you can control the outcome of. For businesses in most parts of the United States, good hand hygiene around the office will go a long way in keeping employees healthy. That being said, there may come a time when your business will need to implement a plan-b for employees who work in a traditional office space.