2016 Toys for Tots Drive

Employees in our Las Vegas office helped to spread Christmas Cheer by participating in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys For Tots toy drive. Toys for Tots collects toys each year and distributes them as Christmas gifts to children whose families are struggling to make ends meet.

November, 2016 Mobile Pantry Volunteers

Throughout the year of 2016, we have taken charge of providing volunteers for Utah Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry at Franklin Elementary School in Salt Lake City

Arthritis Foundation Evening of Honors Gala Honoree

Les Olson Company was recently honored at the Arthritis Foundation’s Salt Lake City Evening of Honors Gala. The gala was a great event in which Les Olson Company was recognized for their efforts to promote business and civic prosperity across Salt Lake.

2016 Summer Business Food & Fund Drive

Each year, Les Olson Company holds a company-wide food & fund drive, encouraging employees to donate in any way they can. Employees and their families participate by volunteering at Utah Food Bank, as well as donating food and money.

2016 Because He First Loved Us Donation

Les Olson Company donated some printing to the Because He First Loved Us organization for a fundraiser. The organization helps refugee families in Utah with education and resources. We were honored to receive an art piece from a boy named Hussein as a thank you for our help.

2016 Camp Kostopulos Dream Foundation Sponsor

Les Olson Company is a proud sponsor of the Kostopulos Dream Foundation. Their summer camps are dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through recreation, education, and growth experiences.

2016 Knockout for Camp K Sponsor

We were a proud sponsor of Camp K‘s recent boxing match, which benefitted the camp. Camp K’s Dream Team, and Heavyweight Champion, Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe, faced off in a Charity Boxing Match to raise money for Camp K. Camp K works to promote inclusion, empowerment, and support for people of all abilities around the world.

2016 New Life Christian Fellowship Food & Clothing Drive

In the week leading up to Thanksgiving, we held a short food and clothing drive. Les Olson Company employees made generous donations of food and gently used clothing, which we delivered to New Life Christian Fellowship in Tooele.

2015 Utah Summer Games Sponsor

Les Olson Company was proud to be a sponsor of the 2015 Utah Summer Games and especially proud of our very own Andrew Gale who competed in the racquetball games and took gold.

2014 Summer Business Food Drive Recap

This summer we had the honor of being the official sponsor of the Utah Food Bank‘s Summer Business Food Drive for the 2nd year in a row. In conjunction, we held our 4th annual Summer Business Food Drive, encouraging our employees to give time, food and money to the Utah Food Bank and Three Square Food Bank in Las Vegas.