2017 Mobile Pantry Panel at Hunger Heroes

We were able to participate in a great panel discussion as part of Utah Food Bank’s Hunger Heroes event. The discussion was about their Mobile Pantry School program, which our employees volunteer at monthly. Other participants were representatives from C.R. England, Granite Education Foundation, and Columbia Elementary School.
2017 Ronald McDonald House Adopt-a-meal Program Volunteers

We love being able to volunteer at Ronald McDonald House through their Adopt a Meal Program. It’s always a great team building activity for us, and we know how important it is for families to feel at home while they are in hospitals with a seriously ill or injured child. What better way to do that than through a delicious, home-style meal. We appreciate the great work done by Ronald McDonald House Charities. Please consider getting involved with their Adopt a Meal Program.
2017 Summer Business Food & Fund Drive Sponsorship

For most people, summer is a time for fun and relaxation. Unfortunately for some kids and their families, summer means worrying about whether there will be enough to eat. With many children losing access to school lunch and breakfast programs, more families make emergency food requests to help stretch their budgets. That’s why Les Olson Company is proud to sponsor Utah Food Bank’s annual Summer Business Food & Fund Drive, to encourage businesses and community groups across Utah to host their own food and fund drives during this critical time of need.
2017 Services Paws & Patriots Sponsorship

We were proud to join many other great businesses in sponsoring the 2017 Service Paws & Patriots campaign, in support of The Malinois Foundation, which raises funds to place fully-trained and certified service animals with veterans who need them.
Preparing Sandwiches for the Road Home, 2017

Members of our Leasing department met early at our Salt Lake office to prepare 90 lunch bags for children staying at The Road Home. We appreciate The Road Home and the important work they do to help people overcome the challenges of homelessness through emergency shelter, emergency services, case management, and housing.
2017 Amicus Open Marquee Sponsor

We are proud to be the long-time Marquee Sponsor of the Amicus Open. The 2017 tournament was a great success. Dozens of teams turned out to golf in support of Intermountain Research and Medical Foundation’s Arthritis Fitness.
2017 Kids on the Move Corporate Sports Challenge Sponsorship

We were a sponsor of the the 2017 Kids on the Move Corporate Sports Challenge. Kids On The Move is a nonprofit organization that provides services and support to families with young children with special needs from birth to age six in Utah County.
2017 Utah Summer Games Sponsorship

We were a proud sponsor of the 2017 Utah Summer Games. The summer games celebrate excellence in the human spirit and healthy lifestyles through extraordinary sporting events and competition.
2017 Catholic Community Services of Utah Lunch Service

Last week members of our sales team volunteered at Catholic Community Services of Utah, working on the lunch service at their St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall. CCS works to provide a mid-day and evening meal to anyone who is hungry. We’re glad we had the opportunity to help with that!
Ronald McDonald House Charities Spirit of Children Gala 2017

We’re honored to have representatives from Les Olson Company on the Ronald McDonald House Charities’ Spirit of Children Gala Leadership Team.
2016 Salvation Army Angel Tree

Once again our wonderful employees pitched in to make Christmas special for kids across Utah whose families are struggling financially. We were honored to sponsor KUTV’s Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, and host trees in our Utah offices. Together we purchased hundreds of Christmas gifts for children throughout the state and spent time volunteering in the Angel Tree Warehouse, assembling gifts and getting them ready to send to families just in time for Christmas.
2016 Donation to The Road Home

We were delighted to be able to stop by The Road Home in Salt Lake City to make a donation. We appreciate the vital work they do for those experiencing homelessness throughout the Wasatch Front.